What is your AMBITION in life? LEAN INto this book author's empowering workforce insights!

From the desk of Miles Everson:

Happy Friday!

The days go by so fast! I hope you’re all able to spend time with your loved ones, even in-between your work hours.

Today, I’ll be talking about another book review that I believe is helpful especially for women professionals in today’s time. In these “Mindfulness by Miles” articles, I write about health, wellness, book reviews, career enhancement strategies, and the future of work with hopes to help you achieve your goals and improve your overall life.

Are you ready?

Keep reading below to learn some useful insights from this empowering book.



What is your AMBITION in life? LEAN INto this book author's empowering workforce insights!

Do you believe that everyone, regardless of their gender, should be given equal opportunities to excel and grow in their careers?

Highly likely, most of you—if not all—would say YES.

Thankfully, we now live in a world where men and women in the workforce are having equal chances to showcase their skills and capabilities… but the battle is not yet over.

In some organizations and countries where glass ceilings still loom large and gender disparities persist, many women professionals can’t help but feel hopeless in their jobs no matter their hard work.

That’s why author Sheryl Sandberg wrote and published the book, “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead.” Her goal was to create a beacon of empowerment and a rallying cry for CHANGE.

True enough, this groundbreaking manifesto has ignited conversations, challenged norms, and inspired countless individuals to reclaim their ambitions and pursue their dreams with unwavering determination since its publication in 2013.

Giving Individuals Somebody or Something to “Lean In”

At its heart, “Lean In” advocates for a fundamental shift in mindset—a paradigm where ambition is not only embraced but celebrated.

In this book, Sandberg challenges the notion that “ambition” is a dirty word, and instead positions it as a driving force for positive change.

Through her own experiences and those of women she’s encountered throughout her career, Sandberg illustrates the power of ambition to propel individuals beyond perceived limitations.

Central to Sandberg’s message in her book is the concept of “leaning in”—a call to actively engage in one’s career, seize opportunities, and push back against the forces that seek to hold women back.

According to Sandberg, this philosophy is not about blind ambition or a reckless pursuit of success; it’s about owning one’s aspirations and refusing to settle for less than what one deserves.

The candid exploration of the various challenges women face in the workplace resonates deeply with readers. From the pervasive nature of the “Imposter Syndrome” to the double standards that often plague women in leadership roles, Sandberg shines a light on the systemic issues that perpetuate gender inequality.

… and by confronting these realities head-on, she empowers women to navigate the corporate landscape with resilience and determination.

Let’s delve into some of the key topics discussed in the book and the invaluable lessons we can glean from them:

  • The Leadership Ambition Gap

    One of the central themes of “Lean In” is the exploration of the “leadership ambition gap” or the disparity between men and women’s aspirations for leadership roles.

    Here, Sandberg illuminates the societal and cultural factors that contribute to this gap, urging women to lean into their ambitions and pursue leadership positions with confidence.

    The lesson?

    Recognize and challenge internalized biases and societal expectations that may hold you back from aspiring leadership roles.

  • Imposter Syndrome

    Sandberg candidly discusses the pervasive phenomenon of the “Imposter syndrome” where individuals, particularly women, doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as frauds.

    By sharing her own experiences and vulnerabilities, Sandberg normalizes these feelings and empowers readers to push past self-doubt.

    The key takeaway here?

    Embrace vulnerability and recognize that feelings of inadequacy are common. However, they shouldn't define your worth or potential.

  • Negotiation and Advocacy

    “Lean In” emphasizes the importance of negotiation and advocacy in advancing one’s career. With that, Sandberg encourages women to assertively advocate for themselves, whether it’s negotiating for higher salaries, seeking out challenging assignments, or speaking up in meetings.

    Her main advice here is to develop negotiation skills and advocate for your own advancement, recognizing your inherent value and worth.

  • Work Life and Personal Life Integration

    Sandberg’s book also tackles the perennial issue of work life and personal life balance, offering a nuanced perspective on the concept of “having it all.”

    She acknowledges the challenges of balancing career ambitions with personal responsibilities, and underscores the importance of supportive partners, flexible workplaces, and redefining societal expectations.

    Her bottom line here?

    Strive for work life and personal life integration rather than balance by setting boundaries and priorities that align with your values and goals.

  • Mentorship and Sponsorship

    Mentorship and sponsorship play crucial roles in career development and progression. That’s why Sandberg advocates for seeking out mentors who can offer guidance, support, and opportunities for growth.

    Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of “paying it forward” by mentoring and sponsoring others too when one is able.

    Her insight here is to cultivate mentorship relationships and actively seek out opportunities to support and uplift fellow professionals, particularly women and underrepresented minorities in the workforce.

  • Allyship and Inclusion

    In “Lean In,” Sandberg emphasizes the importance of allyship and inclusion in creating more equitable workplaces. She urges men to become active allies in the fight for gender equality, recognizing that progress requires collective action and solidarity across gender lines.

    The key takeaway?

    Engage men as allies and advocates, fostering a culture of inclusion and equity where everyone can thrive and succeed.

I hope you find this book interesting!

Beyond its immediate impact, “Lean In” has catalyzed a global movement, spawning “Lean In” Circles—small, supportive communities where women come together to share their experiences, offer guidance, and uplift one another.

These circles serve as incubators for empowerment, fostering a sense of belonging and solidarity in an often isolating world.

Although I’m a man, I also personally find this book amazing, empowering, and life-changing! I hope you’ll feel the same way too whether you’re a man or a woman reading this.

So, as we navigate the complexities of the 21st-century workplace, Sandberg’s “Lean In” remains a beacon of hope and testament to the enduring power of AMBITION.

In Sandberg’s words:

“We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, and we owe it to them—and to ourselves—to continue the fight for a more equitable and inclusive world.”

Hope you’ve found this week’s insights interesting and helpful.


The world of work has shifted, and there’s no going back. The barriers to entry have never been lower for talented professionals to work independently, and today’s massive external workforce is hardly a pandemic-produced fad. Business owners can only survive in the new work landscape by partnering with this deep talent pool.

With decades of experience in both small-business entrepreneurship and executive management at PwC, I truly believe that the future of work is independent.

With that, I’m happy to share with you that my book, co-authored with Walter Scott Lamb, is now available for pre-order on Amazon!

Free Birds Revolution: The Future of Work & The Independent Mind

This is an essential read for both independent professionals and corporate executives. Here, we provide educational and practical guides to unpack the ever-growing workforce and offer you crucial ways to become a client of choice.

Click on the link above to pre-order your copy. Let this book help you future-proof your career and organization in the new world of work.



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Miles Everson

CEO of MBO Partners and former Global Advisory and Consulting CEO at PwC, Everson has worked with many of the world's largest and most prominent organizations, specializing in executive management. He helps companies balance growth, reduce risk, maximize return, and excel in strategic business priorities.

He is a sought-after public speaker and contributor and has been a case study for success from Harvard Business School.

Everson is a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants. He graduated from St. Cloud State University with a B.S. in Accounting.


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