Speaking in public settings can make or break your career… so how can you speak with NO FEAR?

Fridays: Mindfulness by Miles

From the desk of Miles Everson:

Happy Friday!

I hope you’re having a great day so far.

I’m excited to share with you another topic that resonates well with me. In these “Mindfulness by Miles” articles, I write about health, wellness, book reviews, career enhancement strategies, and the future of work with hopes to help boost your life. I’m sharing these insights with you because I want you to take care of and always prioritize your well-being.

Are you ready for today’s topic?

Keep reading below!

CEO, MBO Partners



Speaking in public settings can make or break your career… so how can you speak with NO FEAR?

In the fast-paced world of business, where communication is key and first impressions are everything, the ability to speak with confidence—especially in public settings—can make or break your career.

Presenting to clients…

Pitching ideas to investors…

Leading team meetings…

In all these scenarios, public speaking confidence is an indispensable skill for industry professionals like you.

So, in this article, we’ll delve into why cultivating such a skill is crucial. We’ll also explore practical tips to help you develop your public speaking prowess.

Unveiling the Power of Confidence in Public Speaking

Mastering the art of public speaking (and confidently at that) is a vital asset for individual professionals in whatever field or industry they’re in. Not only does this enable smooth communication but also gives a person an edge in his or her work.

So, why is it important that you learn to speak CONFIDENTLY in front of an audience?

  • Enhanced Credibility: Imagine you’re attending a conference, and two speakers are presenting the same topic. One stumbles through his words and fidgets nervously, while the other speaks eloquently and exudes confidence and authority.

    Between these two speakers, who would you trust more?

    The latter, right? That would be my answer too.

    That’s because confidence breeds credibility. This means when you speak confidently, you instill trust in your audience, making them more receptive to your message.

  • Career Advancement: In many industries, the ability to articulate ideas effectively is highly valued.

    So, whether you’re vying for a promotion or seeking new opportunities, being a proficient public speaker can give you a competitive edge!

    Besides, confident speakers are often viewed as leaders who are capable of inspiring and influencing others.

  • Networking Opportunities: Networking is a vital aspect of professional growth. When attending industry events, conferences, or seminars, the ability to engage with others and articulate your thoughts clearly can open doors to new connections and collaborations.

    Why is this so?

    It’s because confident speakers leave a lasting impression on who they’re talking to. As a result, they’re more likely to forge meaningful relationships.

  • Effective Leadership: It’s no surprise that leaders are required to communicate vision, inspire action, and drive results—these are expected of them.

    That’s why public speaking confidence is a hallmark of effective leadership. Whether you’re addressing your team, rallying support for a project, or navigating challenging conversations, the ability to speak with confidence fosters trust and motivates others to follow your lead.

Now that we know the benefits of being a confident public speaker, allow me to share with you a few tips to ace your public speaking engagements:

  1. Preparation is key. The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll feel. Familiarize yourself with your material, practice your delivery, and anticipate potential questions. Rehearse your presentation multiple times until you feel comfortable with it.

  2. Visualize success. Visualization is a powerful tool for building confidence. So, before your presentation, take a few moments to visualize yourself speaking confidently and engaging your audience. Imagine receiving positive feedback and applause at the end. Doing so will help alleviate any anxiety you feel and boost your confidence levels.

  3. Focus on your audience. Shift your focus from yourself to your audience. Remember that you’re not there to impress them; you’re there to add value and share knowledge. Focus on delivering your message in a way that resonates with your audience’s needs and interests. When you prioritize their experience, you’ll feel more confident and connected.

  4. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques. Deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation helps calm your nerves and center yourself before getting on the pulpit. These techniques also help maintain your composure and focus during your presentation.

  5. Seek feedback and learn from experience. Constructive feedback is essential for growth. After your presentation, solicit feedback from your trusted colleagues, mentors, or friends. Then, take note of areas for improvement and incorporate them into your next presentation. Always keep in mind that every speaking opportunity is a chance to learn and grow.

Overall, public speaking confidence is a valuable asset for industry professionals like you and me. This enhances credibility, fosters career advancement, facilitates networking, and promotes effective leadership.

I hope you’re encouraged by today’s topic to speak more confidently in front of people!

By following these tips and committing to continuous practice and improvement, you’ll cultivate the confidence you need to excel in your professional endeavors.

So, embrace the power of public speaking and unleash your potential to inspire, influence, and succeed!


The world of work has shifted, and there’s no going back. The barriers to entry have never been lower for talented professionals to work independently, and today’s massive external workforce is hardly a pandemic-produced fad. Business owners can only survive in the new work landscape by partnering with this deep talent pool.

With decades of experience in both small-business entrepreneurship and executive management at PwC, I truly believe that the future of work is independent.

With that, I’m happy to share with you that my book, co-authored with Walter Scott Lamb, is now available for pre-order on Amazon!

Free Birds Revolution: The Future of Work & The Independent Mind

This is an essential read for both independent professionals and corporate executives. Here, we provide educational and practical guides to unpack the ever-growing workforce and offer you crucial ways to become a client of choice.

Click on the link above to pre-order your copy. Let this book help you future-proof your career and organization in the new world of work.



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Miles Everson

CEO of MBO Partners and former Global Advisory and Consulting CEO at PwC, Everson has worked with many of the world's largest and most prominent organizations, specializing in executive management. He helps companies balance growth, reduce risk, maximize return, and excel in strategic business priorities.

He is a sought-after public speaker and contributor and has been a case study for success from Harvard Business School.

Everson is a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants. He graduated from St. Cloud State University with a B.S. in Accounting.


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