Mastering the Art of Doing "Nothing": Why is it important to spend time NOT working too?

Friday: Mindfulness by Miles


Happy Friday!

Welcome to today’s edition of “Mindfulness by Miles.”

I’m excited to share with you an awesome health

and mindfulness tip in today’s article. Every Friday, my goal is to help you improve both your work life and personal life through the topics I talk about.

For now, I’ll feature another insightful book.

Keep reading to learn how you can break away from overworking, overdoing, and underliving.

CEO, MBO Partners
Chairman of the Advisory Board, The I Institute



Mastering the Art of Doing "Nothing": Why is it important to spend time NOT working too?

Many of us work feverishly to make ourselves happy… but why do some of us still feel “miserable” despite accomplishing A LOT?

According to several studies, despite our constant search for new ways to optimize our bodies and minds for peak performance, many of us are working more instead of less, living harder not smarter, and becoming more lonely and anxious.

We strive for the “absolute best” in every aspect of our lives, ignoring what we do well naturally and reaching for a bar that keeps rising higher and higher. So, the question remains:

“Why do we measure our time in terms of efficiency instead of meaning? Why can’t we just take a break?

In the book, “Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving,” author and award-winning journalist Celeste Headlee illuminates a new path forward, seeking to institute a global shift in our thinking so we can stop sabotaging our well-being, put work aside, and start living instead of just “doing.”

According to Headlee, as it turns out, we’re searching for external solutions to an internal problem. This means we won’t find what we’re searching for in diets, productivity apps, or the latest self-improvement schemes.

However, there’s good news: All is not lost—we just need to learn how to make time for ourselves and redefine what is truly worthwhile.

Mastering The Art of Doing “Nothing”

Pulling together threads from history, neuroscience, social science, and paleontology, Headlee examines long-held assumptions about time use, idleness, hard work, and even our ultimate goals in life.

Her research reveals that the habits we cling to are doing us harm. These routines have just been developed recently in human history, which means they can, and must, be broken. Headlee believes it’s time to reverse the trend that’s making us sadder, sicker, and less productive. Instead, we should return to a way of life that allows us to THRIVE.

So, what can we actually do to break free from that vicious cycle?

The key lies in embracing what makes us human: Our creativity, social connections, ability for reflective thought, and capacity for joy. Headlee's strategies will allow you to regain control over your life, such as by:

  • Increasing your time perception and determining how your hours are being spent
  • Stopping and/or avoiding comparing yourself with others
  • Investing in quality idle time like taking a hot bath or listening to music
  • Spending face-to-face time with family and friends

In other words, Headlee states if you want to be truly happy, you first have to rediscover the joys of leisure.

Let’s take a look at 3 important lessons from the book:

  1. Our fixation with efficiency can be partly traced back to the development of social media.

    Headlee believes social media is a tool that can make or break a person’s habits and views in life. When used properly, this tool can be of great help. However, part of today’s busyness problem is that social media allows us to see the accomplishments of others and leads us to want to “keep up with the Joneses.” Instead of just keeping up with a few friends and neighbors, social media makes us feel like we need to keep up with the whole world.

    No wonder our ambitions keep getting loftier!

    If you’ve found that you are constantly adding to your to-do list or are hoping for more hours in the day, chances are you’re probably becoming part of the “cult of efficiency.” In this cult, the busier you are, the better… yet it’s only getting worse.

    Headlee says this “increase in efficiency” has only been more beneficial for bosses than actual workers. With inflation in the scene, workers aren’t making much more comparatively, but bosses are getting richer than ever.

  2. Preoccupation with efficiency can make us miss out on meaningful connections and feel guilty about leisure.

    Headlee says the shift from pay per task to pay per hour also had a dramatic psychological effect on workers. This is because when people are paid for each hour, they see time in a different way, especially time off.

    Even people who don’t work a 9-to-5 job and have a more flexible schedule have a hard time feeling okay with taking a break. This leaves even less time for leisure or relaxation, and the effects can be profound.

    One of these is a lack of human connection, and its consequences can be very negative. For one, it’s emotionally painful. Additionally, it can increase your risk of heart attacks and cancer, as well as decrease your lifespan.

  3. A few simple changes to our lifestyle can help us slow down and recover our leisure time.

    Doing “nothing” is surprisingly hard to do. However, one way we can make more room for this is to improve our perception of time. According to studies, people with better time perception are less overwhelmed and less likely to spend time scrolling through social media and watching TV.

    One tip to improve your time perception is to keep track of the things you do. When you take note of your activities, even mindless smartphone use, you will get a clearer picture of where your time is going, so you can plan how to better use your time.

    Afterwards, examine the “productive” things you do and make sure they bring you closer to your long-term goals in life. Is looking at emails on a Sunday morning (during a day off) helping you achieve the things you want in life or at least for that day? If not, temporarily take your mind off it. Once you learn to drop unrewarding tasks, you’ll have much more time for leisure.

Overall, I find Headlee’s “Do Nothing” book refreshing because it reminds me that it’s okay to relax and take a break. There’s nothing wrong with being busy or productive—I have high regards for people who truly put in the work.

However, we don’t have to overwork ourselves. Every once in a while, we have to listen when our physical bodies tell us to rest because it’s also us who would benefit from doing so in the long run.

Keep these useful and helpful insights in mind!

I encourage you to avail a copy of Headlee’s book and read it during your spare time. This will make you realize how important it is to spend time not working to maintain your health and well-being, and compel you to make more of a conscious effort to save some time for leisure.

Happy weekend, everyone! Enjoy your days off!

Miles Everson

CEO of MBO Partners and former Global Advisory and Consulting CEO at PwC, Everson has worked with many of the world's largest and most prominent organizations, specializing in executive management. He helps companies balance growth, reduce risk, maximize return, and excel in strategic business priorities.

He is a sought-after public speaker and contributor and has been a case study for success from Harvard Business School.

Everson is a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants. He graduated from St. Cloud State University with a B.S. in Accounting.


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