Here's why HANDWRITTEN notes are your ultimate weapon to supercharging your learning power…

Friday: Mindfulness by Miles


Happy Friday!

I’m so excited to share with you the topic for today’s “Mindfulness by Miles!”

In these articles, I talk about various health and mindfulness tips with the hope that these will encourage you to enhance the physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects of your work life and personal life.

Today, let’s focus on the art of note-taking by hand.

Continue reading to learn the importance of taking down notes through writing and how your mind can benefit from this activity.

CEO, MBO Partners
Chairman of the Advisory Board, The I Institute



Here's why HANDWRITTEN notes are your ultimate weapon to supercharging your learning power…

In today’s digital age where keyboards and touchscreens have become a dominant part of people's lives, the simple act of taking notes by hand seems almost antiquated.

Some individuals have traded the traditional pen and paper for sleek laptops and tablets, believing that typing is more efficient and convenient.

It’s true, though. I also personally think that typing down notes instead of writing them down is faster and easier. However, there’s a reason why note-taking by hand is still advocated by some educators and educational institutions until today.

While I believe digital note-taking is more convenient, I also agree that handwritten note-taking has its own cognitive benefits.

In this article, we’ll explore the enduring importance of this lost art, demonstrating that sometimes, the old-fashioned ways are still good.

Reliving the Magic of Handwritten Note-Taking

According to an article from the BBC, researchers have found that note-taking associated with keyboarding involves taking down notes in a way that does not involve processing information, and so have called this “non-generative” note-taking.

By contrast, taking notes by hand involves cognitive engagement in summarizing, paraphrasing, organizing, and concept and vocabulary mapping. In other words, transforming information that leads to deeper understanding.

In such a scenario, note-taking then becomes note-making—an active involvement in making sense of the text for later reflection, study, or sharing of notes to compare understanding with others.

This becomes a potent study strategy, as one’s own processing can be further consolidated through talk.

What are some other benefits of handwritten note-taking?

  1. Enhanced Learning and Comprehension

    Studies show that handwritten notes significantly enhance a person’s learning and comprehension skills. When you write by hand, you engage multiple cognitive processes, including your motor skills, visual memory, and spatial reasoning. This intricate web of connections helps you process information more deeply and retain it better compared to passive typing.

    Moreover, the act of physically forming letters and words forces you to slow down, allowing your brain to focus on key points and ideas. This thoughtful approach to note-taking fosters better understanding and retention of complex subjects, making handwritten notes an invaluable tool for students, professionals, and learners of all ages.

  2. Boosted Creativity and Idea Generation

    There is an undeniable connection between the hand and the brain in terms of creativity. Many renowned artists, writers, and thinkers have testified to the power of doodling or sketching ideas on paper to stimulate their imagination. Why is that so?

    It’s because handwritten notes offer the freedom to draw diagrams, make mind maps, and scribble spontaneous thoughts, unleashing the creative potential within humans!

    Unlike rigid digital platforms, the blank canvas of paper invites people to explore, experiment, and connect ideas in unexpected ways. So, whether you’re brainstorming for a project or simply journaling your thoughts, handwritten notes offer a more organic and holistic approach to idea generation.

  3. Enhanced Focus and Reduced Distractions

    One of the biggest drawbacks of digital note-taking lies in the multitude of distractions it presents. When typing on a computer or tablet, it’s easy to switch tabs, check emails, or browse social media. These disrupt your focus and compromise the quality of your notes.

    In contrast, the simplicity of pen and paper minimizes distractions, allowing you to stay fully engaged with the content at hand. The tactile experience of handwriting anchors your attention, fostering a state of flow that promotes a deeper understanding of the material and increased productivity.

  4. Improved Information Retention and Recall

    Have you ever noticed how handwritten notes from years ago can evoke memories and emotions in ways that digital files can’t? This phenomenon is known as the “generation effect,” where the act of generating information (writing by hand) enhances your ability to remember it later on in life.

    Researchers have found that students who take handwritten notes are more likely to retain and recall information during exams compared to those who rely solely on digital note-taking methods. This shows the connection between the hand and the brain creates a powerful memory link, making handwritten notes a valuable tool for long-term memory retention.

  5. Mindfulness and Emotional Well-Being

    Taking down notes by hand is a deliberate and mindful activity that demands your full presence. Engaging in this meditative process provides a welcome break from the constant digital bombardment you might be experiencing in your daily life.

    Furthermore, the physical act of writing is therapeutic and emotionally soothing. Whether you’re jotting down thoughts in a journal or expressing gratitude in a personal note, the intimacy of handwritten words allows for a deeper connection with yourself and others.

Overall, the art of taking down notes by hand should not be underestimated or overshadowed by modern technology.

Putting pen to paper offers an array of benefits that extend beyond efficiency and convenience, such as enhanced learning, increased creativity, better focus, and boosted information retention skills.

Additionally, handwritten notes provide an opportunity for mindfulness and emotional well-being in an increasingly fast-paced and digital world.

So, the next time you’re faced with the choice between typing and writing, consider the remarkable advantages of the latter!

While there’s nothing wrong with using your electronic devices, you should also learn to embrace the tangible connection between your hand and your brain. This will help you rediscover the joy of handwritten notes—a timeless practice that continues to stand the test of time.

I hope you find today’s topic interesting and inspiring. Have a great day ahead, everyone!

Miles Everson

CEO of MBO Partners and former Global Advisory and Consulting CEO at PwC, Everson has worked with many of the world's largest and most prominent organizations, specializing in executive management. He helps companies balance growth, reduce risk, maximize return, and excel in strategic business priorities.

He is a sought-after public speaker and contributor and has been a case study for success from Harvard Business School.

Everson is a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants. He graduated from St. Cloud State University with a B.S. in Accounting.


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