The art of persuasion: Learn how this marketer masterfully turned audiences into buyers!

Monday: MicroBusiness and Marketing Marvels


Happy Monday!

We hope all is well in your personal life and work life.


Let’s start this day with a dose of inspiration from one of our “Free Birds.” Each Monday, we feature exceptional industry professionals and highlight their experiences, contributions, and insights.

Today, you’ll learn about a brilliant marketer who was known for his unique and effective approaches to marketing copies and direct sales.

Continue reading to know more about him.

CEO, MBO Partners
Chairman of the Advisory Board, The I Institute



The art of persuasion: Learn how this marketer masterfully turned audiences into buyers!

Joseph Sugarman: Copywriter and Founder of JS&A Group

Picture this: You’re reading an advertisement and you suddenly spot a spelling mistake. However, you realize it was intentional because there was a note that said the creator of the ad would offer USD 10 for every error you’d find.

Because of that, you find yourself compelled to scour the page for hidden mistakes, spending hours in the process.

Eventually, you learn it was a marketing tactic—one that effectively brought attention to the ad and helped increase readership!

Then you say to yourself: “The person who created this ad is truly brilliant!” You’ve read other ads before but none of them got your attention like this one.

There are many copywriters who are good at creating copies that engage their target audience. These professionals not only write excellently and comprehensively, but also make sure their copies would compel readers to act on the call-to-action (CTA).

One of these copywriters?

Joseph Sugarman!

Sugarman was a successful copywriter and the founder of JS&A Group, a mail-order business.

He was also the acclaimed author of "The Adweek Copywriting Handbook," and his expertise in the art of copywriting earned him widespread recognition and admiration within the industry.

As a copywriter, Sugarman was known for his ability to create compelling, long-form copy that effortlessly turned readers into customers. As a result, he maximized sales for the products he promoted.

In addition to his writing prowess, Sugarman used direct mail and turned it into a powerful tool to generate sales. He also utilized infomercials in capturing the attention of his audience, enabling him to attain such noteworthy results:

Recognizing the importance of women consumers in marketing success, she established and led a Women's Editorial Department with female members who had a deeper understanding of female perspectives.

Eventually, the department gained substantial billing strength and surpassed more than half of JWT’s revenue by 1918!

Her achievements don’t stop there!

Resor’s influence and brilliance extended far beyond JWT. Throughout her career, she made invaluable contributions that made her one of the most influential marketers of all time.

Here are some of Resor’s notable achievements in the marketing industry:

  • Sold a used airplane for USD 50,000 using a single magazine ad.
  • Sold a USD 6 million mansion using direct mail.
  • Sold 20 million pairs of the BluBlocker sunglasses by using infomercials and direct mail.

These accomplishments show how successful Sugarman was in his craft. Moreover, these achievements show there’s something to be learned from his career as an exceptional marketer and copywriter.

Here are some of them:

  1. Become an expert on what you offer.

    Knowing the ins and outs of your product or service is key to successfully selling it. Why?

    When you put time and effort into knowing what you want to sell and which market to enter, you’ll be able to create and offer a competitive offering.

    Additionally, by being an expert in what you’re selling, you’ll highlight the product’s features and benefits that resonate best with your target audience.

  2. Know your customers.

    This entails knowing how to connect and effectively communicate with your target audience by using a “language” they understand.

    Simply said, your copy must resonate with your target audience to effectively capture their interest and turn them into willing buyers.

  3. Don’t overthink your first draft when writing copy.

    Copywriting plays an important role in effectively promoting products or services. When writing copy for marketing campaigns, it’s best to write without hesitation so you can allow your ideas to flow freely.

    Besides, by writing your first draft without any constraints, you’ll be able to unleash your creative potential… and don’t worry about the quality of your copies—you’ll get that sorted out as you rewrite!

  4. Make sure your headline gets read.

    Writing compelling headlines is crucial to creating effective copies. This first part has to capture the attention of your readers because it’ll determine whether the rest of your marketing material will be read or not.

  5. Tap into customers’ emotions.

    People make a purchase when they have a genuine need for a specific product. That’s why you need to make your customers feel that they want the product through your copy.

    You can do this by knowing what your target audience actually desires. After that, position your product as key to getting what they want.

Sugarman’s ability to write captivating copies enabled him to successfully turn his audience into buyers. As a result, he generated lots of sales for the products he promoted through his words.

Keep these tips and insights in mind as you plan your next marketing initiatives!

By being knowledgeable about your product and writing copies that effectively capture your target market’s attention, you’ll be able to emulate Sugarman’s success.

Hope you’ve found this week’s topic interesting and helpful.



Friends and folks, buckle up for a thrilling ride into the adrenaline-fueled world of drag racing!

Learn more about RuPaul Andre Charles in next week’s article!

Miles Everson

CEO of MBO Partners and former Global Advisory and Consulting CEO at PwC, Everson has worked with many of the world's largest and most prominent organizations, specializing in executive management. He helps companies balance growth, reduce risk, maximize return, and excel in strategic business priorities.

He is a sought-after public speaker and contributor and has been a case study for success from Harvard Business School.

Everson is a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants. He graduated from St. Cloud State University with a B.S. in Accounting.


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