From nothing to something: Here’s how one manager changed and marketed his brand to exceed all expectations.

Monday: MicroBusiness and Marketing Marvels


Happy Monday!

We’re excited to welcome another productive week.

Let’s talk about one of our “Marketing Marvels” in today’s article. Each Monday, we feature these professionals and discuss how they shape their respective passions in ways we don’t usually think about.

Today, we’ll focus on the manager who turned The Beatles from a no-name band to a world class group of 4 musicians.

Keep reading to know how this “Marvel” who had no prior experience in business and management defied all odds and made history in the music industry.

CEO, MBO Partners
Chairman of the Advisory Board, The I Institute



From nothing to something: Here’s how one manager changed and marketed his brand to exceed all expectations.

Brian Epstein: The manager who turned The Beatles into a world-class group of musicians

Stylistic, humorous, and musically talented—these are some of the traits that pushed The Beatles into worldwide fame.

Did you know the band’s members were merely just 4 ordinary musicians who had to compete with over 300 Liverpool bands for recognition and success during the 1960s?

You might be wondering:

“How did the band stand out from the rest and ultimately become one of the best bands of all time?”

It only took one person’s risk-taking, intuition, and determination to make it possible.

That person is…

Brian Epstein!

Epstein first discovered The Beatles in November 1961 when the band was performing at the Cavern Club in Liverpool, England.

According to Epstein during his first meeting with the band:

“When I met them [The Beatles], I was struck by their personal charm and it was there that it all started.”

Epstein’s innovative influence on the band began from that moment. Three months later, he convinced the group to work with him and the 4 musicians (John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Pete Best) agreed to sign him in as their manager.

From Leather Jackets and Jeans to Formal Coats and Trousers

Epstein’s decision to change the image of The Beatles was the group’s initial stepping stone to success. The band started with a rock’n’roll profile, reinforcing it with leather jackets and habits like smoking cigarettes and eating in the midst of a live performance. Epstein did not like this and felt it was detrimental to the band's growth.

He wanted to make the band stand out from the many groups they were already competing with, and he also aspired to woo the younger crowds even more. To achieve this, Epstein dressed The Beatles in formal suits and proper haircuts, ditching their rebellious stage behaviors.

This was an accomplishment for both Epstein and The Beatles because it eventually built a well-established image for the band. This image then appealed to millions of teenagers, and Epstein realized the importance of marketing the band and its early romantic songs to the RIGHT audience.

Conquering America through Sharp Marketing Skills

Epstein was known for being a neophyte—a person who is new to a field or industry. In short, he had no prior knowledge in managing artists and exchanging deals with other individuals.

How did he even succeed if he was a neophyte?

Thanks to his unwavering commitment to guide The Beatles, he was able to secure the band a contract with Parlophone Records in London despite failing previous auditions for Decca Records and being rejected 4 times by Capitol Records.

The key takeaway here?

Epstein was determined enough to let his intuitions prove that The Beatles will be big one day even if nobody believed in him and the band. He did not stop pursuing that goal despite failures.

In 1963, the band's lead single from their album of the same name, "Please Please Me," reached the top spot of the U.K. charts. Epstein did not even hesitate to take advantage of this achievement by flying to the U.S. and meeting with Ed Sullivan, host of the Sunday evening variety program, “The Ed Sullivan Show,” to book the band a performance in the country.

That time, Epstein wanted Sullivan to let The Beatles perform in his variety show. The host granted the request but the ambitious manager immediately followed this with a risky appeal: The band should be at the top billing of the show even though they were not yet known in the U.S.

This agreement was a risk for both Epstein and Sullivan considering the U.S. music industry at the time was entirely influenced by American musicians. Pushing a foreign band like The Beatles to the top billing of the show was a big move and one that would lead to an unexpected success.

One of the lessons you can learn from Epstein and Sullivan’s deal?

Persuasion and risk-taking can bring your goal to new heights.

After the agreement of premiering The Beatles in “The Ed Sullivan Show,” these happened:

  • The Beatles made 2 more appearances in “The Ed Sullivan Show” (February 16 and 23, 1964).
  • Unexpectedly, the British band’s first U.S. performance recorded around 73 million viewers.
  • The American Beatlemania, which pertained to the sudden fanaticism and craze that surrounded the band in the western country, intensified.
  • The Beatles’ continuous appearance in American shows paved the way for the British Invasion, the cultural phenomenon that saw U.K. bands and British culture progressively dominate America.
  • The band’s early tracks inspired many young viewers to become musicians too.

Furthermore, Epstein’s agreement with Sullivan persuaded American record label Capitol Records and its former president Alan Livingston to spend USD 40,000 in promoting The Beatles’ new love song, “I Want To Hold Your Hand.” This enabled more American listeners to discover the British band.

What else?

Epstein was well-aware of the young audiences who were constantly paying to see his band perform… and with famous tracks like “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” “All My Loving,” and “P.S. I Love You,” and lyrics incorporating first-person perspective, The Beatles stuck to one of Epstein's best strategies in creating their songs: Connect with the people's hearts and keep up with the trends of the society.

If it wasn’t for Epstein, The Beatles would not have gained the recognition they deserved. Epstein may have spent only a short period in managing the band (from 1962 until his death in 1967), but he made the most out of those years in guiding the musicians to worldwide success.

What’s more surprising is he did all of those without any extensive knowledge in management and business! How mindblowing is that?

Today, he is known as the “Fifth Beatle” alongside Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr (previously Pete Best) because of the contributions he made with the band. The Beatles also remains as one of the greatest bands of all time.

Epstein was not afraid to go out of his comfort zone by doing something he had never done before. He even saw a potential that other people couldn’t see in The Beatles.

Sure, being a neophyte is an unconventional way to pursue your goals in an entirely new field, but Epstein is proof that you don't have to be a complete expert in a certain field to achieve what you want.

By sticking to your guts and doing your best in marketing your brand, you might as well find success like how the marvelous manager did.

Hope you’ve found this week’s insights interesting and helpful.

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Stay tuned for next Monday’s Marketing Marvels!

In 2012, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), one of the world’s largest semiconductor companies, struggled to remain afloat. That year, it lost over USD 1 billion and had nearly USD 2.5 billion in debt. Additionally, its stock price plummeted to a historic low of less than USD 2.

Learn more about Lisa Su on next week’s Marketing Marvels!

Miles Everson

CEO of MBO Partners and former Global Advisory and Consulting CEO at PwC, Everson has worked with many of the world's largest and most prominent organizations, specializing in executive management. He helps companies balance growth, reduce risk, maximize return, and excel in strategic business priorities.

He is a sought-after public speaker and contributor and has been a case study for success from Harvard Business School.

Everson is a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants. He graduated from St. Cloud State University with a B.S. in Accounting.


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