Don’t miss out on trillions of website visitors monthly. Here are 3 little secrets you need to know!

Friday: Collaborate and Innovate


There are thousands of new articles published on different search engines every day.

With this large volume of content, how can you make sure you and your brand don’t get lost in the sea of online content? How can you attract people’s attention with merely words?

One way is to write factual yet captivating headlines and offering people unique information in your articles!

Read more to learn how creating the right headlines can help boost your brand’s online visibility.

CEO, MBO Partners
Chairman of the Advisory Board, The I Institute



Don’t miss out on trillions of website visitors monthly. Here are 3 little secrets you need to know!

How many visitors do you think the most popular search engine in the world,, has every day?

Think about it…


Over 40,000 searches!

…per second.

That’s more than 3.5 billion searches per day…

…and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide.

Google has an answer to almost anything. You can search for images, news, maps, books, flights, finance, jobs, food…

Everything, really.

Since there’s so much traffic and published content every second, how do you make sure that what you want to publish or promote will appear on the first page of these search results?

Will you be able to catch people’s attention with mere words?

What can you do so people click on, read, and share your content?

Create the right HEADLINES!

Today’s newsletter is not just about how Google reaches trillions of searches online.

We’re going to talk about how those same people can FIND YOU and your content.

The catchy and top-searched headlines are those constructed in the most simple, concise, and straightforward way.

Here’s a quick guide to help you create better headlines!

  • Keywords. Use common words or phrases that you think your target readers may search or look into. These words can also describe the subject of your content.
  • Mention names or collaborations. Only when applicable, include the brands, companies, people, or organizations you’ve collaborated or partnered with. It’s especially beneficial when they already have a following to begin with. Doing this gives your content credibility and a good first impression.
  • Unique information. Share unique information by asking yourself what it is about your story that other websites or online content don’t have. Can you answer questions that other sources can’t?

Here’s an example:

“The Next Big Bath: Wall Street Is Blind To An Oncoming Earnings

Published on last May 27, 2020

This article has had 8,982 views since it was published!

Is that a good number? YES.

Especially when your audiences are wealth advisors, business owners, high-net investors and buyers, executives, etc. from

This number is ALMOST 3X the average 3,000 views of similar articles published in the same week under the same topic.

Let’s look at the sample headline in detail.

  • Keywords: “earnings,” “disaster,” “oncoming”
  • Mention names or collaborations: “Big Bath,” “Wall Street”
  • Unique information: President and CEO, Prof. Joel Litman, discussed his insights on how the next “Big Bath” during this pandemic is happening, and why Wall Street analysts are directionally wrong in their earnings forecasts.

When you’re tasked to write content for your brand or company, you’re given the chance to be creative and create compelling headlines so your target readers click, read, and share.

Remember to not be careless. Make sure that your headline isn’t created to mislead and deceive just so you can get people to visit your webpage.

The goal is to not just get people to click on your headline. It doesn’t end there.

The goal is to attract traffic, provide readers with quality content that’s useful and interesting, and have them come back for more.

Brand loyalty, credibility, and trust.

Give these tips a try.

We can’t wait to see your content and new high-ranking headlines!

Hope you’ve found this week’s insights interesting and helpful.

Follow us on LinkedIn.



Stay tuned for next Friday’s Collaborate and Innovate!

Learn more about Paid Advertisements on YouTube on next week’s Collaborate and Innovate!

Miles Everson

CEO of MBO Partners and former Global Advisory and Consulting CEO at PwC, Everson has worked with many of the world's largest and most prominent organizations, specializing in executive management. He helps companies balance growth, reduce risk, maximize return, and excel in strategic business priorities.

He is a sought-after public speaker and contributor and has been a case study for success from Harvard Business School.

Everson is a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants. He graduated from St. Cloud State University with a B.S. in Accounting.


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