In the “Build Your Financial Future” webinar, Professor Joel Litman, President and CEO of Valens Research, discussed four important steps to achieve financial freedom. The first and second steps, “Make Money” and “Save Money,” were discussed in our past articles. Today, we’ll talk about the third step that will help you grow your financial wealth. Are you interested to know what this is? Continue reading to find out.
Make money? Check. Save Money? Check. What's next? Learn about the 3rd step towards financial freedom here! Generating wealth is part of almost everyone’s dream of success. Whether it’s for paying for a child’s education, securing a comfortable retirement, or attaining financial independence, how you generate wealth and what you do with it play an important role in achieving your goals. In our past “The Independent Investor” articles, we talked about how making money and saving money can help you build your financial future. However, as good as these ideas are, they aren’t enough. You need another vehicle to help you maximize your wealth in the long term. Any ideas on what this is? It’s… Investing! According to Professor Joel Litman , President and CEO of Valens Research, during his “Build Your Financial Future” webinar, investing is the “juicy” part of building long-term wealth. Why? It’s because most of your investment returns over the next 10, 20, 30, or many more years will be because of asset allocation―how you divide up the pot amongst savings, accounts, bonds, stocks, money markets, etc. Simply said… How you fractionalize your wealth is what will define your financial value over time! It’s not surprising that the world of investing might seem complex for some. Investors often face constantly changing market conditions, an endless supply of stock market news, and many investment choices. … but just because these things make investing look complicated, that doesn’t mean you should no longer invest. In fact, the principles of successful investing are quite simple! These tried and tested principles can help you build an effective long-term strategy and achieve better results over time:
Some of the world’s greatest investors such as Warren Buffett, Seth Klarman, and Charlie Munger agree that making money in the market comes with a steadfast strategy that’s built around a set of solid investment rules. If you don’t have your own carefully crafted strategy yet, now is the time for you to build one! A lot of today’s investing giants say they succeeded with the help of a disciplined approach to following these rules. One more thing: Professor Litman says you shouldn’t put too much of your money in savings accounts and bonds. Why? It’s because they offer low interest rates and poor returns! In fact, Professor Litman states they should be called “losing accounts.” According to him, if you’re planning to spend your money after 2 years, these vehicles could be a good place to put your money into. However, if you’re planning to spend your money after 10 years or so, the stock market is the best place for you. It is through these asset allocations that you’ll maximize your wealth both in the short term and long term. Apply the principles above in your own investment strategy! As you turn these tips into action, you’ll ensure your portfolio:
Stay tuned for the fourth step to achieving financial freedom next week! Hope you’ve found this week’s insights interesting and helpful. Follow us on LinkedIn. Stay tuned for next Wednesday’s The Independent Investor! In our past “The Independent Investor” articles, we talked about the first three steps towards achieving financial freedom. Learn more about the fourth step towards achieving financial freedom in next week’s article! |
CEO of MBO Partners and former Global Advisory and Consulting CEO at PwC, Everson has worked with many of the world's largest and most prominent organizations, specializing in executive management. He helps companies balance growth, reduce risk, maximize return, and excel in strategic business priorities.
He is a sought-after public speaker and contributor and has been a case study for success from Harvard Business School.
Everson is a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants. He graduated from St. Cloud State University with a B.S. in Accounting.