in detail in the “Driven” book, has 11 tenets and 3 foundations that will lead you towards ethical wealth and value creation for your firm. Let’s first focus on Tenet One of the Return Driven Strategy framework: Ethically maximize wealth. In today’s article, I’ll be highlighting a relevant case study and discuss the implications and importance of ethics in this particular business’ operations. Check out the article to get an idea of the real-life application of Return Driven Strategy’s first tenet. I also hope you’ll take away some important insights and lessons from the case study below.
A closer look at one of the biggest corporate scandals in 2002: Where did this company go wrong? Tyco International was a security systems company incorporated in the Republic of Ireland in 1960. One of the notable things about this firm was that it grew through numerous acquisitions of several businesses, such as:
… and more. However, there was a problem with Tyco’s internal systems and practices. In 2002, the company got involved in a corporate scandal due to UNETHICAL business practices of a number of its high-ranking officers. What’s worse? Tyco’s CEO, Dennis Kozlowski, was one of those people! *Facepalm* According to reports from the investigation, Kozlowski had questionable and suspicious financial transactions that weren’t included in Tyco’s financial reports. He enlisted the help of other top officers and lower-ranking employees to cover up his illegal activities. Furthermore, he made the issue worse when investigations showed his second wife received money diverted from the company. Court proceedings proved Kozlowski stole millions of dollars from Tyco. Because of that, he and Chief Financial Officer Mark Swartz were imprisoned in 2005. Afterwards, Tyco’s business performance declined and many investors lost their trust and confidence in the company. Ethical Issues in Tyco’s Case What happened to Tyco shows that issues related to ethics can occur in various aspects of a firm or organization. As for the company’s case, there were 3 main issues:
The business ethics case of Tyco shows how a large organization could suffer from the unethical and illegal actions of internal and external parties. … and while Tyco had an impressive improvement in its earning power from 1997 to 2000, the corporate scandal in 2002 affected the company in a number of ways. The quality of the firm’s offerings, the work of its employees, and the loyalty of its customers could do little to reverse the impacts of the violations of Return Driven Strategy’s Tenet One, which is ethically maximizing wealth . Additionally, Tyco’s earning power levels fell by more than half, its growth collapsed, and its valuation fell by over USD 100 billion dollars after the scandal. — In the book “Driven,” Valens Research President and CEO, Professor Joel Litman, and Kellstadt Graduate School of Business Professor, Dr. Mark L. Frigo, said that ethical creation of wealth happens by: “… placing the firm in a position to facilitate the activities of investors, customers, employees, and business partners as they exchange their time, money, or resources in return for the fulfillment of their needs.” However, if the only intention of those in a company’s leadership positions is to fulfill their ulterior motives and not the needs of their constituents, then that doesn’t equate to ethical creation of wealth. In the end, that would only lead to the downfall of the firm and all the parties involved. The bottom line? Cheating, lying to, or stealing from any of a business’ major constituencies―customers, employees, investors, managers―raises the risk of financial failure. That’s why being ethical is necessary to be in the game AND stay in the game. After all, when a company has good work ethics and ethical business practices, the higher the chance that it’s constituencies will trust and stay loyal to it. … and when customers, employees, investors, and managers have confidence in a firm, that business will generate great returns while fulfilling its constituents’ unmet needs. We hope you’ve learned a lot from today’s case study! Stay tuned in the coming weeks because we’ll highlight a few more cases that are relevant to the tenets of Return Driven Strategy. Hope you found this week’s insights interesting and helpful. Follow us on LinkedIn. Stay tuned for next Tuesday’s Return Driven Strategy! Being goal-oriented is a valuable characteristic that helps produce positive outcomes in your career. Learn more about how you can become a goal-oriented individual in next week’s article! |
CEO of MBO Partners and former Global Advisory and Consulting CEO at PwC, Everson has worked with many of the world's largest and most prominent organizations, specializing in executive management. He helps companies balance growth, reduce risk, maximize return, and excel in strategic business priorities.
He is a sought-after public speaker and contributor and has been a case study for success from Harvard Business School.
Everson is a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants. He graduated from St. Cloud State University with a B.S. in Accounting.